Match Rules

Open Division

This division is intended to provide a competitive atmosphere for rifle systems that are purpose-built for mid-to-long range competitive events.
-Barrels exceeding 20.5 inches, as measured from the face of the closed bolt to the face of the muzzle will automatically classify as “Open Division”. Suppressors, flash hiders, and brakes DO NOT count toward the overall barrel length. There is no minimum barrel length requirement.

-No limit to magazine capacity.
-May not exceed a velocity of 3,200 ft/s. Violation of this velocity limit will result in a match DQ.

Practical Precision Division

This division is intended to provide a competitive atmosphere for mid- to-long range rifles that are appropriate for real-world use, specifically service and department issued rifle systems (and similar). Failing to meet the constraints of the division will result in the competitor being moved to “Open Division”.

– Barrels must be less than 20.5 inches, as measured from the face of the closed bolt to the face of the muzzle. Suppressors, flash hiders, and brakes DO NOT count toward the overall barrel length.

-Magazine capacity is limited to 20 rounds.

General Purpose Division

This division is intended to encompass practical rifles and carbines with general purpose optics that are not purpose-built for a competitive edge in mid-to-long range application. Failing to meet the constraints of the division will result in the competitor being moved to “Practical Precision” or “Open” divisions, as applicable.
-Barrels must be less than 16.5 inches, as measured from the face of the closed bolt to the face of the muzzle. Suppressors, flash hiders, and brakes DO NOT count toward the overall barrel length.
-Available maximum magnification of 8.5x, per verified optical performance, or manufacturer marking on optic, verified by manufacturer specification per model, whichever is higher. Variable power optics with higher than 8.5x may be used with the provision that the lowest power available is 1.5x or below. The addition of a secondary optic will not qualify as meeting the 1.5x or below criteria.
NOTE: Optics are continuously evolving, and to embrace those advancements as they occur, guidance will be put forth on a case-by-case basis as rules addendums
should specific products warrant inclusion or exclusion from the GP Division without a full revision to the rulebook.
-No limit to magazine capacity.